18 January 2019

Jewellery & Watches Warranty program – 5 best practices

In any business, creating a regular relationship with the final customer is the best way to achieve repeated sales and reduce the customer acquisition cost. When the main distribution channel is represented by non-controlled retailers though, achieving the desired proximity is a detached process from the sales, and might easily […]
5 November 2018

Jewelry sales: 5 software features to multiply your agents’ results

Squeezing the best performance out of a distributed sales network has never been easy, but let’s face it, the jewelry and watchmaking market presents unique characteristics that transform this job into a definite challenge. Very serious security concerns as well as high value immobilization issues impose a radical organizational re-thinking: […]
10 September 2018

A proven approach to eCommerce for any Jeweller and Watchmaker

At Systech, the recent decision of extending the Aurum software to a new module enabling our customers to easily set-up and run an eCommerce business, has not been taken lightly, and a final “go” to the project was agreed only after non-obvious debates, well supported by research upon the latest […]

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